ADD/ADHD Early Detection


What Is ADD?
ADD is short for Attention Deficit Disorder. Once viewed as a condition in and of itself, it is now been slightly downgraded to being an aspect of the more fully realized disorder, ADHD. Some of the classic symptoms of ADD include difficulty in concentrating on a task at hand, focusing on directions being given, and inattentiveness when being spoken to.

What is ADHD and how is it different?

ADHD is the more updated diagnosis for ADD and stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. The key word here is Hyperactive. Children and adults diagnosed with ADHD are commonly described as being restless, impulsive and unable to complete assignments due to impatience and lack of focus.

Classic Symptoms of ADHD and ADD In Children
Inattentiveness Symptoms

  • Lack of attention to detail and careless mistakes in schoolwork
  • Difficulty keeping “on track” during assignments or during play
  • Doesn’t seem to listen, even when spoken to directly
  • Has trouble following through on chores and schoolwork as well as organizing materials to complete either
  • Often forgetful and seems to always be losing toys, clothing, items for school
  • Easily distracted from schoolwork and other activities

Hyperactivity Symptoms

  • Seems to be constantly fidgeting and squirming in their seat
  • Doesn’t seem aware of appropriate behavior in different situations, runs around and climbs no matter what the environment
  • High level of motor activity and may “chatter” incessantly

Impulsiveness Symptoms

  • Does not wait their turn to speak and may blurt out answers in class
  • Jumps from task to task or activity to activity often without finishing
  • Doesn’t seem to learn appropriate behavior from rewarding and punishing past behaviors
  • Seems to have a low threshold for frustration and may burst out at others

How P.A.A.E. can help

Oftentimes children have difficulty verbalizing their feelings and this can be especially true for children who may be struggling with the effects of ADHD. Much can be discerned through careful evaluation of drawings and paintings made by children in a low-stress environment such as an after-school program. Armed with the research into early childhood development and behavioral disorders we feel it is possible to detect early signs of developing ADHD in young school-aged children and then to help a child cope with some of the emotional stresses of living with their condition.

10 Key Facts about ADHD

Case Studies